Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why the Earth Spins

Once, a very long time ago, lived an evil witch named McCrazy. She lived deep into the woods in a tiny shack. She never came out of her shack--let alone the woods--so everyone who lived in her village felt safe. Then one day Tommy O'Chew was taking a walk in the woods. Tommy was six years old and still hadn't learned not to go in the woods. Tommy passed by McCrazy's little house and decided to go in. Tommy expected someone like his grandmother lived in there--a kind old lady who would do anything for a sweet little boy like Tommy. McCrazy was sleeping when Tommy welcomed himself into her home. He soon found himself surrounded by potions, wands, and frogs. Tommy picked up one wand that was long and thin. He pointed it at a frog and said"Abra cadabra!" The frog turned into a human and walked out of the house. Tommy found two potions--one purple and one blue which were his two favorite colors--and poured them together. When nothing happened he took a wand that had the letters CED etched on the side and waved it over the top of the cup the two liquids were poured into. He lightly tapped the cup with the wand. As soon as that happened Tommy felt a rumble underneath him. It came with just a slight shake but turned into a shake as ferocious as a lion's roar. Shelves, tables, potions, wands, and other things started falling down onto Tommy. Tommy was scared but started shaking when he heard McCrazy's roar that was louder then any earthquake. Without thinking Tommy ran out of the house with the CED wand still in his grip. Tommy ran all the way back to his house where his mother was nervously waiting for him. When Tommy told Mrs. O'Chew what he did she screamed and hid him in the cupboard under the stairs fearing McCrazy would be after him. She was and in fact she found his house and managed to brake him. McCrazy aimed her wand at little Tommy's head and said some words in an unknown language. "Acoo lacoo macy tuwoon!" with a violent shake of her wrist the spell was cast. When nothing happened McCrazy explained that the spell was supposed to make Tommy's head spin. Then suddenly they realized that something felt different. The world was spinning in circles. That's why the Earth spins.